SWIFT Scholarship Recipients come together to connect.

In February this year, we hosted a ‘Connection Workshop’ for the recipients of our first Scholarship Scheme which launched in September last year.

From Left: Dujon Cullingford, George, Page, Maine, Renee, Kobe

From Left: Dujon Cullingford, George, Page, Maine, Renee, Kobe

Facilitated by Dujon Cullingford, he brought the cohort together beautifully with the key objectives of whakawhanaungatanga and also understanding what other support students need to succeed with their study journey.

One need identified, was a quiet, supportive place to study in South Waikato. With the help of Toi Ohomai and Workit, we found a solution! The students are invited to a study session every Wednesday night at Impact Hub on Swanston St, Tokoroa from 5pm-8pm.

In fact, this is an open invitation to anyone who is an apprentice or completing tertiary study who wants a quiet place to work.  There’s wi-fi, laptop and even kai provided for FREE to make the ultimate study session. Check out the flyer below.