SWIFT Launches 'South Waikato Business Growth Workshop Series'

Excitement is brewing as SWIFT works to launch 'South Waikato Business Growth Workshop Series.' 

We have partnered with SODA inc. in support of funding available through Regional Business Partner (RBP) Network to bring the best business growth specialists and advisors to our district.

This opportunity removes the barriers of time and cost for local businesses to access specialised training for business development at a heavily subsidised rate.

Earlier this year, we sent out a survey to our database asking what type of business growth training they would like to see come our district. Based on the feedback from this survey, we were able to curate a series of workshops based on the topics most in demand:

  • Social media and Digital Marketing | by Daisy Digital

  • Business Strategy | By Kim Hill from Stratigi

  • Chat GPT | By Mosaic Partners

  • Impactful Leadership | By Lift 55

We are delighted that each specialist will also host a FREE 20 minute online 'lunch & learn' to bring high value tips and insight in their specialty.  This gives you an insight to the in-person workshops and an opportunity to get to know each person.

To see the workshop series schedule and to register to any of the workshops, simply head to www.swift.org.nz/sw-workshop-series