SWIFT Business Support




Approved funding towards business growth & development in South Waikato for 2023


South Waikato businesses who have benefited from SWIFT's business growth support in 2023


Business Networking Events & Workshops SWIFT supported in South Waikato in 2023

We want to hear from you

We are keen to get to know you, learn more about your business and understand what support you need.

If you are a business based in South Waikato and are eager to get specialised business support in growth and development, then contact us below and let's connect.



SWIFT have partnered with SODA inc. to reduce barriers for local businesses to access central government capability building funds through Regional Business Partners (RBP) Network.

Who is SODA?

SODA is the Regional Business Partner (RBP) for the Waikato and is funded by the New Zealand Government.

The Network helps foster growth by providing eligible businesses with specialist advice and support, and funding to enhance business capability, including research and development.

A SODA Business Growth Advisor can help identify the challenges and opportunities facing your business. They will then advise you on what tools, connections, training, or development you need to achieve your goals.

Regional Business Partners (RBP) Network

The RBP Network consists of 15 regional growth agencies throughout the country.

Each one provides access to the same government-funded programme and resources, but they also have something unique: they take a special pride in each region, and love to see it succeed.

The intent is to allocate business support to small and medium enterprises in the form of Capability Vouchers. These vouchers accounted for 50% of the upskilling/capability building services up to the amount of $5,000 with the remaining portion being paid by the business itself.

Check out more information about Regional Business Partners Network below:

SWIFT's RBP Contribution Policy

This will help you understand how SWIFT can support you through business development in partnership with RBP.

The optimal scenario is that RBP funding is provided for 50% of the Service provider or programme recommended up to $5000. In this scenario the remaining 50% (up to $5000), rests with the Client receiving the services.

As a supporter of South Waikato businesses, SWIFT will partner with local RBP recipients to reduce these business support costs. The Client (being a South Waikato business) will pay $500, leaving the remaining portion of the 50% to be covered by SWIFT.

In the scenario of a RBP accredited and approved service totalling $10,000, the split of funding would be RBP – $5,000, South Waikato Business/Client – $500, SWIFT – $4500.

Not all services are expected to cost $10,000, so the amount of funding provided by RBP, or SWIFT will differ, but the business contribution will always be a minimum of $500.

At times the RBP funding pot may not be able to support 50% of the costs of a service. This may happen at various times of the year when requests for support are oversubscribed in the region. In this scenario, the Client may be responsible for more than 50% of the cost of the service.

While SWIFT will endeavour to help local businesses to access the RBP support services, the contribution cap allocated to each business engaging with RBP for the first time is $4,500.

All scenarios for first time South Waikato businesses using of the RBP scheme require a minimum of $500 to be paid by the business themselves.